Friday 13 November 2009

Parish News - Sunday 15th November 2009

15th November 2009


Welcome to our worship today.

We welcome children in church at all times. There is a safe children’s area at the side of church which enables parents/carers to sit with their children and also be part of the body of the congregation. Toilets and baby changing facilities can be found in the main
Parish Centre.
Hearing aids can be turned to the T setting for amplification.
Please stay for ‘Fair Trade’ tea & coffee after the 10a.m service.

Tuesday—12 noon
Thursday—10.30am at
Melton Court
7.00pm—Service of Distribution in church

Next Sunday -
B.C.P. Holy Communion—8.00am
Parish Eucharist—10.00am


Welcome to the Rt. Rev’d Dr Graham Kings who is the new Bishop of Sherborne and welcome to all the candidates and their friends and family as we join together for our Confirmation Service this morning.

Holly Fayre
Our Holly Fayre is fast approaching! It will take place next Saturday; 21st Nov, please could we have donations for books, toys, raffle prizes, bric-a-brac—and cakes on the day - thank you.

Parish Magazine
Please let Sam have your contributions this morning for the December and January parish magazine.

Anthony Nolan Trust
Thank you to all who support last weeks cake sale. £47 was raised. There will be another cake sale at the end of the service on Sunday 6th December.

There will be a Fairtrade stall at the back of church at the next All Age Service on Sunday 6th December.

St. Aldhelm’s Orchestra
On Saturday 28th November at 7.30pm in church; St. Aldhelm’s Orchestra will perform a Light Classical Concert in aid of the Hearts of Poole Appeal (British Heart Foundation). Admission is free with a retiring collection.

Christmas Tree Festival
There is a list at the back of church for volunteers to sign up to “man” a slot during the opening hours in December. Please volunteer—we need people to meet visitors and make cups of tea or help during the concerts.
Please see Ann Ballett or Sam Waldron.

Mothers’ Union Meeting
On Wednesday 18th the M.U. will meet in the lounge at 2.45pm. Wendy Brooke will be the guest speaker with a talk entitled “Journeys”. Open to everyone.

Whist Group
The Whist Group will be meeting in the lounge on Thursday 19th at 2.00pm. All welcome to come along. See Faye Pay for more details.

Aladdin—Parish Panto
If you fancy being in the panto we are looking for people to join the adults and children singing in the chorus. The first Sunday meeting will be on Sunday 22nd November in the hall at 2pm—why not come along!

Thanksgiving Campaign
To date, we've had 35 written/verbal responses, which includes 5 new members and an increase in our Planned Giving, including the Income Tax refund, of just under £3,300 per annum, plus one-off donations of £395.

St. Aldhelm’s School - Shopping Evening
On Thursday 19th Nov between 7pm—9pm there will be a Shopping Evening at St. Aldhelm’s School; entry is £3 which will include a glass of wine. Money raised will go towards those extras which the school needs which don’t come out of any budget. So please support. Phone Sarah Martin on 718030 to book a ticket.


SUNDAY 15th 8.00am B.C.P. Holy Communion
10.00am Confirmation Service
6.00pm S.T.A.K.S.

17th Tuesday 10.30am Coffee Morning in church
12 noon Holy Communion
7.30pm Parkstone Gardeners Meeting in the hall “Bhutan, Kingdom of rare plants”

18th Wednesday 10.30am Holy Communion
2.45pm Mothers’ Union Meeting in the lounge

19th Thursday 10.30am Melton Court Holy Communion.
Vicar – Rev’d Stephen Batty St. Aldhelm’s Vicarage (Day off Friday) 764420 Curate – Rev’d Sarah Brayant 105A Winston Ave (Day off Monday) 386155 Parish Office Open weekdays during term-time -9am – 12noon 764420 Parish Administrator – Mrs Sam Waldron Email address is: Child Protection Co-ordinator Mandy Gridley 268443

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