Monday 18 October 2010

Parish News - Sunday 17th October 2010

Welcome to the church of Branksome, St. Aldhelm
Weekly Sheet - Friends Sunday - 17th October 2010

Tuesday - Holy Communion —12 noon
Holy Comunion—7.00pm
Thursday - Melton Court—10.30am

Next Sunday
B.C.P. Holy Communion—8.00am
Parish Eucharist—10am

Book of Remembrance
From today a book will be opened in church to receive the names of departed friends and family members who will be remembered at our All Souls Service on 7th November at 6.30pm.

Welcome to our worship today, we welcome children in church at all times. There is a safe children’s area at the side of the church which enables children to sit quietly with their parent or carer and join the service. Toilets and Baby Changing facilities are located in the Parish Centre. Hearing Aids can be turned to the T setting for amplification. Please stay for “Fairtrade” tea & coffee after the 10am service.

Parish News

Friends Sunday
This morning is Friends Sunday, flowers in church are given in memory of past ‘Friends’ who supported St. Aldhelm’s. Friends are a voluntary group of people from our church who organise social and fundraising events and raise those extra pennies to help with the ‘extras’ in church, such as our red carpet, tea/coffee hot water heater. If you would like to join “The Friends” please see John Kilminster (Chairperson) for more information, or pick up a leaflet from the back of church.
Magazine Deadline
Today is the deadline for any contributions for the November edition of our church magazine. On Thursday 21st we shall staple the magazine at 9.30am in the lounge—new volunteers always welcome.

Pet/Animal Blessing Service—Today
Our Pet/Animal Blessing Service will take place in church at 4pm. Please come to church with your well pets for a short service and blessing of the animals.
Mothers’ Union Meeting
The M.U. will be meeting in the lounge on Wednesday 20th Oct at 2.30pm and will be given a talk by Roy Barker about his walk to Paris. All welcome.
Anyone interested in being prepared for the Confirmation service early next year, please see Rev Sarah. Preparation session will start in November.

Sunday School
Sunday School would appreciate any donations of art materials such as felt tipped pens, glue sticks, pencils etc. Please see Sue Mitchell or call at the Parish Office.

Centenary Celebrations for Girl Guiding
On the evening of Wednesday 20th Oct, our Rainbows, Brownies and Guides will be joined by others from the area to celebrate 100 years of Guiding. Adults are needed to help supervise and generally help things to run smoothly; if you are available please see Clair Pay—765974 for more information.

Zenith Theatre Co
Zenith present “A Nite At The Flicks” - music and comedy on Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd October in our Hall. Shows are at 7.45pm Fri & Sat and a matinee at 2.30pm on Sat. Tickets are £6, £5 (cons) and £4 (u14) and are available from the Parish office with £1 being given from each ticket sold from our office to church funds. Please go along if you can.


Today 8.00am B.C.P. Holy Communion
10.00am Parish Eucharist
4.00pm Pet/Animal Blessing Service
6.00pm S.T.A.K.S.
19th Tuesday 10.30am Coffee Morning in church
12 noon Holy Communion
20th Wednesday 2.30pm Mothers’ Union Meeting—lounge
Girl Guiding Centenary Celebrations (Den, Hall, Lounge & Church) - eve
21st Thursday 9.30am Magazine Stapling—lounge
10.30am Melton Court Holy Communion—10.30am
2.00pm Toddlers—Hall
7.00pm Holy Communion
22nd/23rd Fri & Sat Zenith Theatre Co—”A Nite At The Flicks”
24th SUNDAY 8.00am B.C.P. Holy Communion
10.00am Parish Eucharist

Please remember in your prayers: Enid Townson & Amy Garlick.
Please write your prayer intensions in the book where morning and evening prayer takes place; we will offer prayers at the weekday services.


Our expenditure amounts to approximately £1,400 per week
This includes £1,230.10 per week which goes to the Diocese for our “share”.
Last weeks donations were as follows:
Planned Giving £609.70 (including standing orders) - Collections £211.20
Our income tax claim produces the equivalent of an additional £170 per week.
The shortfall is made up from fundraising—such as fetes and concerts etc
If you pay income tax—in each chair can be found a yellow giving envelope. Loose collection can be placed in these envelopes, completing the details requested (this will enable us to reclaim 28p in every £1 from the inland revenue). If you are a non-tax payer, please put your loose collection straight into the collection bags when they are passed around during the service.
Through our Planned Giving Scheme, you can commit a regular amount in order that we may be able to rely on a predictable income to meet our needs and responsibilities. We need new members to consider joining the Planned Giving Scheme—contact John Sprackling Our Hon. Treasurer—(01202) 751553 or email


Vicar - Revd Canon Stephen Batty St. Aldhelm’s Vicarage 764420 (Day off on Friday)
Curate - Revd Sarah Bryant 105A Winston Ave 386155 (Day off on Saturday)
Parish Office - Open weekdays during term-time - 9am—12 noon 764420 Email address is:
Churchwardens - Dave Marsh - 768161, Sam Waldron - 764420

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